Wednesday, July 2, 2008

What Kool-aid has Zell been drinking?

Wow, all of a sudden Sam Zell is playing Mr. Nice Guy. The Tribune Company owner is all sugar in his latest memo to employees.

It's refreshing to see Zell praise his newspapers such as the Orlando Sentinel and the LA Times. Newspapering is hard enough without being gratuitously slammed by your owner which Zell did in earlier comments to and about his papers. Whether Zell came to the realization on his own or took some good advice, it's nice to see his positive comments .

Next step would for him and his leadership team to make a real effort to include publishers and editors as part of his brain trust, actively soliciting and employing some of their ideas. He talked loud and hard about giving his news properties more local autonomy when he bought Tribune last year but the jury's still out on how comfortable he'll be letting local executives call the shots.

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