Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Times is truly a public trust

A new acquaintance of mine is so convinced that Michael Bloomberg is going to buy the New York Times that she recently bought $10,000 worth of stock in the company.

I don't have anything against Bloomberg but I'd hate for the Times to change hands. Despite Jayson Blair, the flawed coverage of Wen Ho Lee and Judith Miller's too cozy relationship with Bush White House officials, I think the paper's editors do a great job pointing their pens at what needs to be covered and try to do it fairly. I worry that in any other hands, especially those of a rich politician like Bloomberg, the paper will not be as good.

I'm hoping my friend's $10,000 turns out not to be as good an investment as she hoped, or that the Times stock goes up because it makes a smart business move other than selling.

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