Saturday, June 28, 2008

NYT, make me an offer!

One of may favorite acts of the day for the past decade has been to walk outside my front door and retrieve my New York Times, in its bright blue bag, from the front yard.  So it was a huge blow to find out the paper doesn't provide daily home delivery in Lawrence, KS.

For me, not having the Times when I roll out of bed , is much, much worse than not having coffee which is a pretty miserable beverage to live without. I'm just not as smart or interesting if I haven't read the Times before heading to the office. I feel less civilized and certainly less entertained. 

What puzzles me is that the paper is delivered to several newspaper boxes around town. What would it cost the delivery person to bring one to my home? Why wouldn't the paper or the independent contractor involved see if they could make a deal with me that would make it worth their while? 

This is after all a college town and given that the newspaper boxes seem to be empty by 10 a.m., I suspect I'm not the only one who would be willing to pay considerably more if asked.


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