Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"Newspaper war" has whole new meaning

It would not be surprising to anyone who knows her that Bobbi Bowman, ASNE's diversity director, would liken the turbulent period the newspaper business is in to World War II. The great war is her great passion, a hobby that has taken her to the shores of Normandy as well as to many museums and historical sites around the country.  She calls it the war that "saved Democracy." 

So in a conference call with would-be panelists for the upcoming Unity minority journalists convention Bobbi tried to provide an inspirational moment by saying this period in newspaper history reminds her of 1943, the first year of the war.

 "There were lots of casualties and the allies were losing ground. Everyone was very afraid and it was tough," she told us. To which one of the callers replied, "That certainly makes me feel a lot better."


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