Friday, July 11, 2008

You gotta love this reader

John Drescher, executive editor of the Raleigh News and Observer, sounded annoyed and defensive with the reader who filed suit against his paper for cutbacks in coverage. If I were Drescher, I'd privately be singing the guy's praises.

Most editors I know would love to be able to say publicly that cutbacks are hurting their ability to cover their communities. Of course, they can't say anything without putting their jobs on the line.

I can't remember ever rooting for a plaintiff in a lawsuit against a paper and I probably won't start with this case. I don't know enough about the particulars, and generally, I don't want the courts deciding how papers should be run. 

Still, you gotta love a reader who cares enough to make such a stink. Hopefully, the case will create community conversation and embolden other readers to weigh in on how the N&O can serve them better.

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