Friday, June 27, 2008

Would netflix model for newspapers?

As an avid hold-in-your-hands newspaper reader, I'd welcome the kind of tiered pricing system for newspapers that Time Warner has unveiled for magazines.

Mirroring the Netflix model, magazine readers will be able to purchase a set number of titles for a set fee. Want three titles a month? Pay $3.95. Five? It'll cost you 7.95. And so on with eight or more costing a buck a title . The beauty is that you can change which magazines you order each month, choosing from more than 300 titles in their "network." 

What if newspapers did a version of the same? I know several people like me who get two newspapers delivered each day, and some three. They'd love to pay a flat fee to one company and have the option of every once in a while getting a paper for their hometown or the place they plan to visit.

It's probably not a practical idea but in a world where people want more choice, the limits to such seem glaring.

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