Saturday, June 21, 2008

You'll hear from me, in the morning

As someone who's learned by trial and lots of error, I was happy to read recently that web developers are working on more advanced content systems to help us sort and manage email. Eventually, smart systems will be able to tell who the sender is and automatically code or route email to particular files.
Today, some reporters and editors I know mark their incoming emails by color to be able to scan and determine who they want to read or respond to first.
Those systems are helpful but if you don't want emails to overtake your day, here's the best tip I ever received on handling email: spend the first hour of your workday day on "comunications." That includes responding to messages, writing letters or other missives. Do it religiously and let people know that's your system. That way they know you'll respond but not immediately. And they'll know if reaching you is realy important to call you, or in the case of co-workers, come to your office or desk. Of course, you may want to react differently if it's your boss who sent you the message.

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