Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Don't eat the M&Ms

Here's one I can't help passing along. It's both funny and painful and the kind of thing that can happen to anyone on a story.
It comes to me from an editor at the Indianapolis Star:

Reporter Bobby King was interviewing the wife of a U.S. soldier in Iraq at the couple's home in Indianapolis. Sometime during the interview, the wife left Bobby alone in the living room where two champagne flutes filled with M&Ms were on the coffee table. Bobby, assuming the candies were there for the taking, popped two of them in his mouth. The woman came back into the room where they talked a little longer. Then she tells him when her husband deployed, she filled both champagne flutes with the exact number of M&Ms for each day he'll be gone and that she eats two per day. When the candies are gone, her husband will be home.

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